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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Howard Systems
Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2010

Present:        Everett Howard, Chief Executive Officer-Howard Systems (via telephone), Christine Rancourt, Architectural and Systems Designer-Howard Systems, Chris Lucchesi, Public Safety Buidling Committee Chair - Town of Holden, Jack Chandler, Fire Chief - Holden Fire Department, George Sherrill, Chief - Holden Police Department, Chris Carey-Holden Police, Stephen Gross, Network Administrator-Town of Holden, Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager-Town of Holden, Gary Kaczmarek, Public Safety Building Project Manager-Town of Holden, Bob Beck, Public Safety Building Committee-Town of Holden

Purpose: The purpose of this meeting was to begin the process of creating the network plan and technology requirements for the Town of Holden's new public safety building.

Discussion Points:
1. There was a general conversation regarding questions/concerns about the Public Safety Complex, points that arose were:
        a. Will the security cameras be hooking into the town's network?
                 The Public Safety Building will have it's own switches, servers, etc.
                 The state of Massachusetts needs to be assured that the systems is secure for the Public Safety Building

        b. Standardizing all equipment purchased for the town. It will all go through IT so that this happens. The specifications will reflect this as well.
                 The computers will be purchased by the town - the chiefs and IT will be determining what their requirements are
                 The quality of the product, shelf life, and software needs are considerations

        c. Virtual servers - whether or not they are necessary
                 Pros would be they would help with power consumption and costly downtime
                 They are more expensive up front

2. Telephone System - discussion points
        a. Maintenance fees for the system
        b. Whether or not the system can be accessed remotely and monitored
        c. Voicemail - possibility of getting voicemails through email
                 Because their email is hosted by an ISP there is no exchange server-this option will have to be looked at more closely
        d. Unique requirements for the Public Safety Building - having the telephone set up similar to a call center so that the calls are queued and someone outside the Public Safety Building could pick it up if necessary.
        e. Having the information on what the Town now pays for its phones would serve as a reference point while the Public Safety phone system is being looked at.

3. Chris Lucchesi will be the main contact for the project. All information will be transmitted through him.

Next Step

Howard Systems will provide the Town of Holden with worksheets and questionnaires (by March 9th) so that they can start to take an inventory of what they currently have. From that feedback, Howard Systems will begin to organize this data and devise a naming and labeling strategy that works for the town.
With respect to the technology systems to be purchased, Howard Systems will take the questionnaires and compile them.
Following this meeting, Howard Systems will develop specifications for these technologies for the town.
Next meeting date-TBD. It will be arranged once the worksheets are completed so that we can discuss the needs/wants and determine which systems will accommodate the town's needs.